Mission "Oh, brother" in RDR 2

Mission Oh, brother in RDR 2
Oh, brother! - one of the side missions in RDR 2. the main character's Goal is to end the enmity between Acrisius and Proteus and their fight for a woman.

The first meeting

First meeting
The beginning of the quest in Valentine. As soon as the marker appears on the map, you need to move in the right direction and find people near one of the buildings. They will give you a task.

The task will be shooting at items that the questioners keep on their head. For the most accurate shots, you need to use the skill "Accurate eye".

The second meeting

Second meeting
The second part of the mission will be to hit two men. After the marker appears on the map, you need to beat them using the hand-to-hand combat button. As soon as they have enough, this activity will need to stop.

The third meeting

Third meeting
The final stage of the quest will take place in Cumberland falls. There, Arthur will meet Acrisius and Proteus for the last time.

The quest marker will only appear if at least a day has passed since the last meeting with the heroes of the mission. In order to see it, you need to get close to the Cumberland falls.

Mission Finale
As soon as the screen saver passes, Morgan will need to push one of the barrels and walk down the river with Elena. At the end of the mission, he will have to approach two men who are lying on the ground.

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