Pak freight transport for Spin Tires

Pak freight transport for Spin Tires - Level Up to 2011.

Mod adds new options freight transport:
- 1 variant of the truck Tatra 813
- 1 variant heavy four-axle truck-truck ZIL-135
- 1 variant of the truck all-terrain ZIL-131 truck
- 1 variant of the truck all-terrain Ural-4320 truck
- option 1 heavy-truck-vehicle KrAZ-L timber truck with trailer-dissolution TMZ-C
- 1 variant heavy four-axle truck tractor MAZ-535
- 7 variants of Chevrolet truck
- 1 version of the Dodge truck
- 1 three-axle truck Studebaker US6
- 1 variant of the truck STAR
- 1 variant of GMC truck

Author Zidon Dustin Bencze
Type of mod Other
Compatible with the version of the game Spin Tires-Level Up 2011 (mods)

 Views: 3.8k
 Downloads: 347

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