Legendary largemouth bass in RDR 2

Largemouth bass in RDR 2
The Legendary largemouth bass is one of the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2. How to catch a bass, where to find it, and what to do with it – read more.

Location of largemouth bass in RDR 2
Where to catch largemouth bass in RDR 2
You can find perch near lake don Julio, or rather - in the San Luis river. To start fishing, you will need to go into the water. Only then should you throw the bait. A special river bait is best suited

Largemouth bass Bait in RDR 2
The ideal location would be a place near the shore. There is no point in swimming to the Islands, since largemouth bass is a fairly large fish, and delivering it to the shore can cause some difficulties. Tip: you need to take the most stable position, otherwise, if the main character will stagger, the fish may break the line.

Catching largemouth bass in RDR 2
It is not possible to leave the perch in the inventory, again due to its size. As soon as he is caught, he must be taken to Blackwater.

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